Welcome to another weekly vlog! This weeks video features my comeback story, how I am finally back to the weight I was before taking the drug Accutane, the gym routines I have used and my thoughts on periods and exercise. I also join a panel and talk all things Breast Cancer for the charity Coppafeel and show you our new home gym! If you’d like to see more videos like this please leave a comment below and don’t forget toSsubscribe!
P R O D U C T S M E N T I O N E D:
Nike Thea Black Trainers:
L’Occitane Calendar:
Polaroid Snap Camera:
Elephant Milk & Sugar Jug:
Westlab Epsom Salts:
Lush Monsters Ball Bath Bomb:
Sweaty Betty Strappy Bra:
Chia Seeds:
Protein Powder:
Osmo Mobile:
Subscribe to my Channel:
Can we get my Blog to 80,000 followers?
Laugh at me on Snapchat: CarlyRowena
My Instagram:
Tweet Me:
Facebook Me:
Email Me: carlyrowena@me.com
My PO Box – Carly Rowena
Gleam Futures
6th Floor
60 Charlotte Street
F A Q ‘ s
Q: What camera do you use to film?
A: I film my videos with the Canon 5D Mark 3 ( ) and my Vlogs with the Olympus Pen (
Q: What lighting do you use?
A: I use natural lighting and a softbox light: (
What editing software do you use?
A: iMovie and Final Cut Pro
‘Music by Epidemic Sound (
DISCLAIMER: This video contains no sponsored content. Products have been purchased by myself or are PR samples. Any paid for content will be disclosed in description boxes and blog posts. “rstyle.me” links are affiliate links. For more information on this please click here:
Thanks for watching! ❤
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Be sure to check back Soon. New videos added daily. Get the best tips, tricks and techniques for losing weight.Find some that work for you, and feel great.
Welcome to another weekly vlog! This weeks video features my comeback story, how I am finally back to the weight I was before taking the drug Accutane, the gym routines I have used and my thoughts on periods and exercise. I also join a panel and talk all things Breast Cancer for the charity Coppafeel and show you our new home gym! If you’d like to see more videos like this please leave a comment below and don’t forget toSsubscribe!
P R O D U C T S M E N T I O N E D:
Nike Thea Black Trainers:
L’Occitane Calendar:
Polaroid Snap Camera:
Elephant Milk & Sugar Jug:
Westlab Epsom Salts:
Lush Monsters Ball Bath Bomb:
Sweaty Betty Strappy Bra:
Chia Seeds:
Protein Powder:
Osmo Mobile:
Subscribe to my Channel:
Can we get my Blog to 80,000 followers?
Laugh at me on Snapchat: CarlyRowena
My Instagram:
Tweet Me:
Facebook Me:
Email Me: carlyrowena@me.com
My PO Box – Carly Rowena
Gleam Futures
6th Floor
60 Charlotte Street
F A Q ‘ s
Q: What camera do you use to film?
A: I film my videos with the Canon 5D Mark 3 ( ) and my Vlogs with the Olympus Pen (
Q: What lighting do you use?
A: I use natural lighting and a softbox light: (
What editing software do you use?
A: iMovie and Final Cut Pro
‘Music by Epidemic Sound (
DISCLAIMER: This video contains no sponsored content. Products have been purchased by myself or are PR samples. Any paid for content will be disclosed in description boxes and blog posts. “rstyle.me” links are affiliate links. For more information on this please click here:
Thanks for watching! ❤