Do I have stretch marks and loose skin?:
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You should consult your doctor before starting any new diet or exercise program. I am not an expert, I am just sharing MY experience. Do what is best for YOU. Do not overexert yourself!
Music by: TallZac
For MUSIC inquiries, use the following contact info:
Email: TallZAC@ymail.com
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Do I have stretch marks and loose skin?:
New here? Check out my weight loss story:
**Keep up with Cookie**
Instagram –
Twitter –
Facebook –
SnapChat – CookieMillerFIT
Periscope – CookieMillerFIT
Business or Personal & Online Training Inquiries – watchcookieshrink@gmail.com
You should consult your doctor before starting any new diet or exercise program. I am not an expert, I am just sharing MY experience. Do what is best for YOU. Do not overexert yourself!
Music by: TallZac
For MUSIC inquiries, use the following contact info:
Email: TallZAC@ymail.com