What is intuitive eating? Is it for you? Can you achieve weight loss? I answer all the questions about intuitive eating and why I love it!
FOLLOW ME!!! Instagram: @hunnybunsfit
FB – Jen Heward
Snapchat – jenheward
Twitter – @hunnybunsfit
Train with my on your phone! I have an 8 week challenge that has two phases, “The Build Phase” and “The Burn Phase”. Can be done in gym or home FOR iPHONE AND ANDROID. Download my 8 week challenge in the APP or PLAY Store – Search “Fit Plan App” (black box with a white F)
Coming SOON my own supplement line “The J-Series”
HBF Collection Fitness Apparel
SweetSweat discount 10% “hunnybuns”:
Current Favorite Supplements:
Stance Supplements Women’s Thermo (fat burner)
Stance Supplements Stim/Caffiene Free Lipotropic
Stance Supplements BCAA’s
Stance Supplements Power ATP
Stance Supplements also has Men’s Pre-Workout & Fat Burner, Power ATP
***Get these products HERE
Online Coaching Info:
Our Full Scale Gym
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Be sure to check back Soon. New videos added daily. Get the best tips, tricks and techniques for losing weight.Find some that work for you, and feel great.
What is intuitive eating? Is it for you? Can you achieve weight loss? I answer all the questions about intuitive eating and why I love it!
FOLLOW ME!!! Instagram: @hunnybunsfit
FB – Jen Heward
Snapchat – jenheward
Twitter – @hunnybunsfit
Train with my on your phone! I have an 8 week challenge that has two phases, “The Build Phase” and “The Burn Phase”. Can be done in gym or home FOR iPHONE AND ANDROID. Download my 8 week challenge in the APP or PLAY Store – Search “Fit Plan App” (black box with a white F)
Coming SOON my own supplement line “The J-Series”
HBF Collection Fitness Apparel
SweetSweat discount 10% “hunnybuns”:
Current Favorite Supplements:
Stance Supplements Women’s Thermo (fat burner)
Stance Supplements Stim/Caffiene Free Lipotropic
Stance Supplements BCAA’s
Stance Supplements Power ATP
Stance Supplements also has Men’s Pre-Workout & Fat Burner, Power ATP
***Get these products HERE
Online Coaching Info:
Our Full Scale Gym