Are you one of those people who think they could lose weight more easily if they could only overcome their anxiety?
As you may know, what you eat determines if you’re going to lose weight effortlessly, or if dieting will always remain a constant source of suffering.
Adding the following 10 foods to your meals will help you reduce and control effectively the anxiety you experience.
OK, let’s begin!
1- Asparagus
Anxiety has been linked to low levels of folic acid, if there’s a vegetable that can boost your mood, it’s asparagus.
2- Avocados
Avocados contain high levels of B-Group vitamins, which are essential for keeping the nervous system healthy, as well as brain cells.
Feelings of anxiety may be also rooted in a deficiency of vitamins from the B complex group.
3- Blueberries
Blueberries may seem small, but just a handful of these little ones can provide a powerful source of anti-oxidants and vitamin C.
When we are under stress, or feeling highly anxious, our bodies crave both vitamin C and anti-oxidants to help repair and protect the cells.
4- Milk
A glass of warm milk before going to bed is a proven remedy against insomnia and feelings of restlessness.
The reason behind its effectiveness is that milk is high in vitamins B2 and B12, as well as protein and calcium.
5- Almonds
Almonds are also good to help reduce stress, because they are rich in vitamins B2 y E.
When you’re feeling especially anxious, these two nutrients help fortify the immune system.
Consuming just ¼ cup of almonds will do the trick.
6- Oranges
There’s an important reason why orange juice is included in what is known as the Breakfast of Champions:
Vitamin C is well known for reducing both blood pressure, as well as cortisol levels, one of the “stress hormones” responsible for your anxiety.
Drink a freshly squeezed glass of orange juice for an ultra-fast boost of vitamin C in your body.
7- Salmon
Adding more fish-based meals to your eating habits can make you feel better.
A diet that is high in Omega 3 fatty acids helps keep cortisol levels low.
8- Spinach
Follow Popeye’s example, and eat lots of spinach.
Spinach is packed with magnesium, a mineral that goes a long way in helping regulate cortisol levels and promoting feelings of wellbeing.
9- Turkey
You know that drowsy feeling after having a Thanksgiving dinner? The tryptophan acid found in turkey is responsible for making you feel that way.
What tryptophan does is signal the brain to produce feelings of well-being (by increasing serotonin levels), calmness and happiness.
10- Oats
Oats promote serotonin flow too.
Incorporate oats into your diet by adding them to shakes, yoghurt, milk or soups.
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Are you one of those people who think they could lose weight more easily if they could only overcome their anxiety?
As you may know, what you eat determines if you’re going to lose weight effortlessly, or if dieting will always remain a constant source of suffering.
Adding the following 10 foods to your meals will help you reduce and control effectively the anxiety you experience.
OK, let’s begin!
1- Asparagus
Anxiety has been linked to low levels of folic acid, if there’s a vegetable that can boost your mood, it’s asparagus.
2- Avocados
Avocados contain high levels of B-Group vitamins, which are essential for keeping the nervous system healthy, as well as brain cells.
Feelings of anxiety may be also rooted in a deficiency of vitamins from the B complex group.
3- Blueberries
Blueberries may seem small, but just a handful of these little ones can provide a powerful source of anti-oxidants and vitamin C.
When we are under stress, or feeling highly anxious, our bodies crave both vitamin C and anti-oxidants to help repair and protect the cells.
4- Milk
A glass of warm milk before going to bed is a proven remedy against insomnia and feelings of restlessness.
The reason behind its effectiveness is that milk is high in vitamins B2 and B12, as well as protein and calcium.
5- Almonds
Almonds are also good to help reduce stress, because they are rich in vitamins B2 y E.
When you’re feeling especially anxious, these two nutrients help fortify the immune system.
Consuming just ¼ cup of almonds will do the trick.
6- Oranges
There’s an important reason why orange juice is included in what is known as the Breakfast of Champions:
Vitamin C is well known for reducing both blood pressure, as well as cortisol levels, one of the “stress hormones” responsible for your anxiety.
Drink a freshly squeezed glass of orange juice for an ultra-fast boost of vitamin C in your body.
7- Salmon
Adding more fish-based meals to your eating habits can make you feel better.
A diet that is high in Omega 3 fatty acids helps keep cortisol levels low.
8- Spinach
Follow Popeye’s example, and eat lots of spinach.
Spinach is packed with magnesium, a mineral that goes a long way in helping regulate cortisol levels and promoting feelings of wellbeing.
9- Turkey
You know that drowsy feeling after having a Thanksgiving dinner? The tryptophan acid found in turkey is responsible for making you feel that way.
What tryptophan does is signal the brain to produce feelings of well-being (by increasing serotonin levels), calmness and happiness.
10- Oats
Oats promote serotonin flow too.
Incorporate oats into your diet by adding them to shakes, yoghurt, milk or soups.
We’ve come to the end of this video, please share if you found the information helpful.
Please, feel free to write down any question you may have just below this video. Thank you!
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