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3 Reasons Why You’re Not Losing Weight

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Hello Fitlifers!

In this episode, we’re going to talk about 3 reasons why you should go juicing.

It’s very important that you give your body a smooth transition as you slowly introduce juicing into your system. Start with one juice everyday. Then make it twice later on until your body gets acquainted to it. And then try the juice cleanse that lasts for 3-5 days. This is very helpful in making sure that you’re getting the right absorption of the nutrients and their utilization.

#1 How can juicing effectively help you lose weight?

With juicing, you’re sealing the absorption of micronutrients, amino acids, enzymes and many others that make your body a lot closer to life. All cruciferous vegetables like cauliflower, broccoli and Brussels Sprouts are rich in phytonutrients and they fight against the effects of xenoestrogens that bear an effect on the storage of fat.

This is the reason why almost all juice recipes that we recommend contain these cruciferous vegetables because aside from fighting against the xenoestrogens, they also promote hormonal balance and help in detoxifying the body. And all of which lead to increased fat loss in the body.

#2 How do you achieve a quality sleep?

With juicing, you start to sleep like a baby because you’re getting higher concentrations of magnesium. Sleeping like a baby entitles your hormones a chance to be back to their normal state. It’s like healing the cortisol levels.

Getting a REM sleep helps your body in a cellular level by repairing the tissues, cells and organs that give you the rest.

Some ingredients in juices have high levels of melatonin which is the hormone responsible in regulating sleep.

# 3 How to crush the sugar cravings?

When your body is trained or say acquainted t0 eat sugar, you have this longing to eat that. And the cycle never stops. Yes, there’s a short-term satisfaction but you still get to crave one week to another.

And it doesn’t just have sugar. Most of these foods have fats too. And it spikes your insulin up, making you fatter. But with juicing, like the 5 day juice cleanse, you begin to realize that you’re better off without those foods and that you don’t need them.

I know many of you know this.

Maybe you’ve heard me talk about this before….

I want to share this with you….

This is embarrassing and you may have heard me talk about this before… BUT… )

I used to be 25 pounds over weight and have a ton of belly fat. And everywhere I would go I feel like everyone was staring at my belly. I was embarrassed to take my shirt off at the beach. I tried every diet plan known to man and nothing worked until one day a man told me how this “one simple thing” saved his life. I figured if this solution saved his life, what would it do for someone that was already healthy?

When I applied this to my life I was able lose 25 pounds and finally get the body I always wanted.

Get your hands on the thing that I used to transform myself and over 500,000 others.

Always remember, we’re in this together!

– Drew Canole

Reasons You’re Not Losing Weight
Surprising Reasons You’re Not Losing Weight
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why you should go juicing
reasons why you’re not losing weight
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