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Fat Babies: Charity Aids Obese Babies In Bid To Lose Weight

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Fat Babies: Charity Aids Obese Babies In Bid To Lose Weight


TWO of Colombia’s fattest children have been brought together in a bid to save their lives. At ten months old Santiago Mendoza and Isabela Caicedo tip the scales at an incredible 41 kilos (6.5 stone) combined. The severely overweight babies were brought together by Colombian charity Gorditos de Corazon who work with weight loss specialists. Earlier this year the foundation came to Santiago’s rescue after his mother was unable to deal with his insatiable appetite. After seeing Santiago on television, Isabela’s mother Niyered Martinez also contacted the foundation for help. The foundation hope to bring their obesity under control and return them to a normal wight within six to eight months.

Videographer / Director: Gorditos de Corazon
Producer:Jack McKay
Editor: Joshua Douglas

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