Thinning Daily

How Long It Takes To Lose Weight

How long does it take to reach your weight loss goals? IT DEPENDS! We all come from different dietary, weight, genetic, hydration, athletic, sleeping, gender backgrounds; the time it takes us to reach our desired results will vary BUT we will all get there in the long term. Focus on improving your health and well-being as opposed to just reaching some temporary goal such as weight loss. The high carb low fat plant based will keep you healthy and fit for life! More tips on the subject down below.

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My Top Vegan Health & Weigh Loss Tips 

√ Daily Goals: Sleep + Water + Sugar

√ Weekly Goals: Sun + Sport

The three fundamentals for succeeding on your weight loss goals and sustaining a healthy lifestyle is to get enough sleep, water, & sugar DAILY! Once the basic fundamental needs are met, getting some sunshine and sport throughout the week will take your progress even further. CONSISTENCY IS KEY. You did not get to where you are now overnight! 😉

Sleeping is probably the MOST important aspect of health. Getting enough sleep is ESSENTIAL for having sufficient amount of nerve energy to function properly without the use of stimulants such as coffee, cacao, adderall (amphetamine), etc. Sleep is also important for having an efficient & quick recovery to give the internal body (muscles, nerves, organs, etc.) the rest it needs.

Drinking enough water is essential for meeting any weight loss fitness goals and for longevity health. Staying hydrated is not only important for avoiding negative health impacts such as dehydration, but are also important for having good digestion, a high metabolism, and an alkaline body environment. Start your morning with a liter of water before breakfast & keep a bottle of water with you at all times so your urine is clear consistently.

Eating a high carb low fat plant based (vegan) diet consisting of at least 80% of total calories from carbohydrates will not only let you reach your fitness & weight loss goals, but keep you disease free and healthy FOR LIFE! Making sure you are eating enough calories to sustain a sufficient amount of energy for daily activities & sport REGARDLESS OF CURRENT WEIGHT! Eat a diet rich in fresh fruits & vegetables to nourish your body with all the essential nutrients. Complex carbohydrates (starches) such as potatoes, corn, rice (& other grains) work great as well for getting the results you desire, while at the same time providing you with a sufficient amount of satiating carbohydrate calories. Keep your fat & salt intake low to keep the excess weight off & maintain a lean body. THE FAT YOU EAT IS THE FAT YOU WEAR!

Weight loss goals are best met with diet & nutrition but fitness goals such as getting toned & fit are met with physical activity. If you want strong muscles (skeletal, organs, etc.) you gotta use them! DON’T go burning yourself out by not getting enough calories; ALWAYS be sure you are eating enough calories so you have the energy to be able to participate in your favorite activities. Make “working out” an adventure by choosing to play ONLY in the things you LOVE to do! Spend plenty of time outdoors getting fresh air and sunshine for those strong bones! 😉

A high carb low fat vegan diet with a combination of enough sleep, water, fresh air, and sunshine will give you the edge you need to reach your potential. Your health is your NUMBER 1 ASSEST. Live your life to the fullest! Veganism is much more than a diet; it’s a lifestyle; it’s much more than just reaching your health & fitness goals; it’s about making the world a better place for the people, for the animals, and for the planet. – Bananiac

“Let Food Be Thy Medicine” ~ Hippocrates, Father of Medicine ☤

FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 106A-117 of the US Copyright Law.

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How long does it take to reach your weight loss goals? IT DEPENDS! We all come from different dietary, weight, genetic, hydration, athletic, sleeping, gender backgrounds; the time it takes us to reach our desired results will vary BUT we will all get there in the long term. Focus on improving your health and well-being as opposed to just reaching some temporary goal such as weight loss. The high carb low fat plant based will keep you healthy and fit for life! More tips on the subject down below.

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30 Bananas A Day –
Strava –

My Top Vegan Health & Weigh Loss Tips 

√ Daily Goals: Sleep + Water + Sugar

√ Weekly Goals: Sun + Sport

The three fundamentals for succeeding on your weight loss goals and sustaining a healthy lifestyle is to get enough sleep, water, & sugar DAILY! Once the basic fundamental needs are met, getting some sunshine and sport throughout the week will take your progress even further. CONSISTENCY IS KEY. You did not get to where you are now overnight! 😉

Sleeping is probably the MOST important aspect of health. Getting enough sleep is ESSENTIAL for having sufficient amount of nerve energy to function properly without the use of stimulants such as coffee, cacao, adderall (amphetamine), etc. Sleep is also important for having an efficient & quick recovery to give the internal body (muscles, nerves, organs, etc.) the rest it needs.

Drinking enough water is essential for meeting any weight loss fitness goals and for longevity health. Staying hydrated is not only important for avoiding negative health impacts such as dehydration, but are also important for having good digestion, a high metabolism, and an alkaline body environment. Start your morning with a liter of water before breakfast & keep a bottle of water with you at all times so your urine is clear consistently.

Eating a high carb low fat plant based (vegan) diet consisting of at least 80% of total calories from carbohydrates will not only let you reach your fitness & weight loss goals, but keep you disease free and healthy FOR LIFE! Making sure you are eating enough calories to sustain a sufficient amount of energy for daily activities & sport REGARDLESS OF CURRENT WEIGHT! Eat a diet rich in fresh fruits & vegetables to nourish your body with all the essential nutrients. Complex carbohydrates (starches) such as potatoes, corn, rice (& other grains) work great as well for getting the results you desire, while at the same time providing you with a sufficient amount of satiating carbohydrate calories. Keep your fat & salt intake low to keep the excess weight off & maintain a lean body. THE FAT YOU EAT IS THE FAT YOU WEAR!

Weight loss goals are best met with diet & nutrition but fitness goals such as getting toned & fit are met with physical activity. If you want strong muscles (skeletal, organs, etc.) you gotta use them! DON’T go burning yourself out by not getting enough calories; ALWAYS be sure you are eating enough calories so you have the energy to be able to participate in your favorite activities. Make “working out” an adventure by choosing to play ONLY in the things you LOVE to do! Spend plenty of time outdoors getting fresh air and sunshine for those strong bones! 😉

A high carb low fat vegan diet with a combination of enough sleep, water, fresh air, and sunshine will give you the edge you need to reach your potential. Your health is your NUMBER 1 ASSEST. Live your life to the fullest! Veganism is much more than a diet; it’s a lifestyle; it’s much more than just reaching your health & fitness goals; it’s about making the world a better place for the people, for the animals, and for the planet. – Bananiac

“Let Food Be Thy Medicine” ~ Hippocrates, Father of Medicine ☤

FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 106A-117 of the US Copyright Law.

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