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How To Lose Fat Without Losing Muscle (4 Simple Tips)

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Video Summary:

How To Lose Fat Without Losing Muscle (4 Simple Tips)

If you’ve just finished up your bulking phase and are wanting to lean down now and get rid of the excess fat, here are 4 tips you can use to lose fat without losing muscle…

4 Tips To Burn Fat And Maintain Muscle:

1) Don’t change your weight training plan.

If you want to lose fat and maintain muscle, don’t make the common mistake of switching to a “light weight/high reps” workout plan. Many people do this thinking it will help them “define” their muscles and bring out more shape and separation, but this is completely false as you can’t spot reduce fat from specific areas of your body.

Using lighter weights and higher reps only weakens the stimulus on your muscles, making it even more likely that you’ll lose muscle.

Just keep your weight training plan exactly the same as it was before by basing it on sets in the 5-12 range, keeping your rest periods in the 1.5-3 minute range and striving for intensity and progressive overload during each workout session.

2) Don’t go overboard on cardio.

There’s no need for marathon cardio sessions or an extensive number of cardio workouts per week.

To lose fat without losing muscle, just start with 2-3 sessions weekly. This will usually be enough for most people, and you should ideally space them at least 8 hours away from weight training for the best results.

3) Maintain a moderate calorie surplus.

More aggressive deficits are okay in the short term, but to keep your hunger, energy levels, mood, training performance and lean muscle intact, just stick with a moderate calorie deficit of about 500 calories below maintenance.

This will allow you to lose fat while maintaining muscle at a reasonable rate of about 1-2 pounds lost per week.

4) Consume sufficient daily protein and fat.

Last on the list of tips to lose fat without losing muscle is to make sure your protein and fat needs are being met.

Protein is responsible for repairing and building muscle mass, and you’ll want to make sure you’re getting between 0.8-1 gram per pound of body weight daily.

Fat helps to keep your testosterone levels optimized and your mood in check, and you’ll want to get around 25% of your total calories from dietary fat.

If you want to maintain muscle while cutting, it’s actually pretty simple. Just follow these 4 basic fat loss guidelines and you’ll be able to lean down effectively and ensure that you lose fat, not muscle throughout your cutting phase.

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