Thinning Daily

How To Lose Weight In 5 Simple Steps

How to (finally) lose weight in 5 easy steps!

By JessicaRSmith

STRENGTH TRAIN No gym membership required! Push ups, pull ups, squats, lunges and sit ups your own body weight is plenty to build and develop fat burning lean muscle.

WALK. Walking burns calories, at a steady fat burning rate. Skip driving whenever possible walk to the store, take the stairs, go for a walk on the beach. An hour long walk a day can help you drop weight fast without stressing your joints.

YOGA. Yoga is the best exercise to connect your mind and your body Being disconnected to your body and its needs is one of the main reasons we gain weight. To really lose weight (and keep it off), you have to find the source of your struggle. Yoga can help you quiet your mind and feel good (without food). Not to mention, yoga can torch about 300 calories per hour.

SKIP THE LAST 5 BITES. Taste your food. Enjoy it. Have dessert but share it with a friend! Skipping the last 5 bites of your usual meals can add up to almost 500 calories less a day thats a loss of 1 pound a week lost even if you do nothing else.

FILL UP ON FIBER. Fiber is a great tool for weight loss- fiber filled foods fill you up, and they are usually low-cal. Reach for fruits, veggies and high fiber cereal when you want a snack, or before a meal to fill up on the good stuff.

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How to (finally) lose weight in 5 easy steps!

By JessicaRSmith

STRENGTH TRAIN No gym membership required! Push ups, pull ups, squats, lunges and sit ups your own body weight is plenty to build and develop fat burning lean muscle.

WALK. Walking burns calories, at a steady fat burning rate. Skip driving whenever possible walk to the store, take the stairs, go for a walk on the beach. An hour long walk a day can help you drop weight fast without stressing your joints.

YOGA. Yoga is the best exercise to connect your mind and your body Being disconnected to your body and its needs is one of the main reasons we gain weight. To really lose weight (and keep it off), you have to find the source of your struggle. Yoga can help you quiet your mind and feel good (without food). Not to mention, yoga can torch about 300 calories per hour.

SKIP THE LAST 5 BITES. Taste your food. Enjoy it. Have dessert but share it with a friend! Skipping the last 5 bites of your usual meals can add up to almost 500 calories less a day thats a loss of 1 pound a week lost even if you do nothing else.

FILL UP ON FIBER. Fiber is a great tool for weight loss- fiber filled foods fill you up, and they are usually low-cal. Reach for fruits, veggies and high fiber cereal when you want a snack, or before a meal to fill up on the good stuff.

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