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Intermittent Fasting Benefits |one Meal A Day & Cardio -Prophetic Diet|walk For Weight Lose

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Intermittent Fasting benefits |one meal a day & cardio -Prophetic Diet|walk for weight lose: In this video i have talked about how i lost 4 pounds in the last few days doing really nothing. I lost 21 pounds last summer in few months -so i know how the weight lose works for me. When i eat less i can eat much lesser the next day as my stomach shrinks. I go for long walks and do very little cardio. I drink coffee as much as i want but avoid eating breakfast especially, with carbohydrates life bread or pasta or rice or fruits in the morning. This is the easiest and simplest way to lose weight -effortless without any pain or hard work.
. Intermittent Fasting Changes The Function of Cells, Genes and Hormones

When you don’t eat for a while, several things happen in your body.
For example, your body initiates important cellular repair processes and changes hormone levels to make stored body fat more accessible.
Insulin levels: Blood levels of insulin drop significantly, which facilitates fat burning (1).
Human growth hormone: The blood levels of growth hormone may increase as much as 5-fold (2, 3). Higher levels of this hormone facilitate fat burning and muscle gain, and have numerous other benefits (4, 5).
Cellular repair: The body induces important cellular repair processes, such as removing waste material from cells (6).
Gene expression: There are beneficial changes in several genes and molecules related to longevity and protection against disease (7, 8).
Many of the benefits of intermittent fasting are related to these changes in hormones, gene expression and function of cells.

2. Intermittent Fasting Can Help You Lose Weight and Belly Fat
Many of those who try intermittent fasting are doing it in order to lose weight (9).

Generally speaking, intermittent fasting will make you eat fewer meals.

Unless if you compensate by eating much more during the other meals, you will end up taking in fewer calories.
Additionally, intermittent fasting enhances hormone function to facilitate weight loss.

All things considered, intermittent fasting can be an incredibly powerful weight loss tool. More details here: How Intermittent Fasting Can Help You Lose Weight.

Bottom Line: Intermittent fasting helps you eat fewer calories, while boosting metabolism slightly. It is a very effective tool to lose weight and belly fat.
3. Intermittent Fasting Can Reduce Insulin Resistance, Lowering Your Risk of Type 2 Diabetes
Type 2 diabetes has become incredibly common in recent decades.

Its main feature is high blood sugar levels in the context of insulin resistance.

Anything that reduces insulin resistance should help lower blood sugar levels and protect against type 2 diabetes.

Interestingly, intermittent fasting has been shown to have major benefits for insulin resistance and lead to an impressive reduction in blood sugar levels (12).

In human studies on intermittent fasting, fasting blood sugar has been reduced by 3-6%, while fasting insulin has been reduced by 20-31% (12).

One study in diabetic rats also showed that intermittent fasting protected against kidney damage, one of the most severe complications of diabetes (13).

What this implies, is that intermittent fasting may be highly protective for people who are at risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

However, there may be some differences between genders. One study in women showed that blood sugar control actually worsened after a 22-day long intermittent fasting protocol (14).

Bottom Line: Intermittent fasting can reduce insulin resistance and lower blood sugar levels, at least in men.
4. Intermittent Fasting Can Reduce Oxidative Stress and Inflammation in The Body

Oxidative stress is one of the steps towards aging and many chronic diseases (14).

It involves unstable molecules called free radicals, which react with other important molecules (like protein and DNA) and damage them (15).

Several studies show that intermittent fasting may enhance the body’s resistance to oxidative stress (16, 17).
Additionally, studies show that intermittent fasting can help fight inflammation
another key driver of all sorts of common diseases (17, 18, 19).
5. Intermittent Fasting May be Beneficial For Heart Health
Heart disease is currently the world’s biggest killer (20).
6. Intermittent Fasting Induces Various Cellular Repair Processes
7. Intermittent Fasting May Help Prevent Cancer
8. Intermittent Fasting is Good For Your Brain
9. Intermittent Fasting May Help Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease
10. Intermittent Fasting May Extend Your Lifespan, Helping You Live Longer
Given the known benefits for metabolism and all sorts of health markers, it makes sense that intermittent fasting could help you live a longer and healthier life.

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