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Use this diet with intermittent fasting @
Partial Transcript:
So what is Intermittent fasting? Well When you do intermittent fasting?
*You’re going to fast meaning you eat nothing or eat no calories for 14-to-20 hours followed by a shorter 4-to-10 hour period where you eat all the calories you need to eat to lose weight (which is usually 1200-to-2000 calories) &…
*You keep repeating that 24 hour cycle of fasting for 14-to-20 hours followed by 4-to-10 hours of feasting over & over until you’ve reached your fat loss goal.
Reason #1: Intermittent fasting forces your body to burn more fat
You see, After you eat a meal your blood sugar rises and your blood sugar along with all the carbs stored in your body is the energy or calories your body uses or burns to keep you alive, functioning properly and to do all your daily activities but…
*As you fast or not eat anything for long periods of time your blood sugar gets lower & the amount of carbs stored in your body also gets lower and when this happens…
*Your body has no choice but to start burning your body fat for energy to keep you alive, functioning properly and to do all your daily activities.
But what exactly is body fat?
Well technically Your body fat is just the accumulation of all the excess calories you overate so every time you eat too much…
*Your body takes those excess calories, stores it as body fat and uses it as a backup source of energy and you start to use that backup energy or you start to burn bodyfat when you exercise more and/or eat less on a diet (like in any normal weight loss plan) when you create a calorie or energy deficit but like I already said…
*Your body is also forced to mostly only burn body OR MAKE YOU LOSE WEIGHT when there’s not much blood sugar or carbs left to burn when you fast for over 14 hours so…
Imagine how fast you’ll lose fat when you combine Intermittent Fasting with a weight loss diet & exercise plan!
The 2nd reason you should do Intermittent fasting is because Intermittent Fasting increases your fat burning metabolism by causing your body to release more adrenaline
You see, Since your blood sugar or energy levels gets lower & lower as you fast…
*As your body release adrenaline it forces your body to burn fat (like the stubborn fat on your belly, thighs & hips) in order for you to get that much needed energy after your blood sugar drops.
The 3rd reason you should do Intermittent fasting is because it naturally increases HumanGh or H.g.h.
Your insulin and blood sugar levels are lower making it easier for your body to release more HGH to burn more fat and I don’t know if you know this already but HGH also helps you look younger and it maintains your muscle mass while you’re losing all that fat.
And The 4th reason you should do Intermittent fasting is that Intermittent fasting eventually eliminates your hunger & cravings so…
*Your hunger levels will go down and your cravings will eventually all go away because over time…
*Intermittent fasting reduces or normalizes ghrelin (the hunger hormone) which gives you less of an appetite.
5 Tips for intermittent fasting to double your fat loss
Tip #1. Start off Slowly
*You want to Begin by fasting 12 hours per day or you can simply skip breakfast and then…
*Once you’re in the 16-to-20 hour range you’ll be in that perfect sweet spot for burning fat faster.
Tip #2. The Best way to schedule Intermittent fasting
Go to NowLoss.com/ifsched to see more sample Intermittent fasting schedules
Tip #3. How to deal with the initial hunger and cravings
*If the hunger & cravings gets too intense Then break-your-fast, eat something, don’t feel bad & just try to fast a little longer until you hit the 14-to-20 or preferably 16-to-20 hour range.
Tip #4. Drink water and maybe coffee & green tea because…
*You can drink all the water you want during your 14-to-20 hour fasting period (to help kill hunger) since it has ZERO calories so…
*Coffee & green tea are okay during your fasting period as long as it’s ZERO or very low calorie but…
*You should really eat NO calories at all during your 14-to-20 hour fast to burn as much fat as possible but on the other hand…
*The caffeine in coffee & green tea does increase your fat burning metabolism and it curbs your appetite so that may help offset the minor amount of calories you get from coffee & green tea.
Tip #5. Work out while you’re fasting
Look, you’ll definitely burn more fat if you workout while you’re fasting or before your 1st meal of the day simply because remember while you’re fasting…
Now Im not saying you have to workout while intermittent fasting but you will lose weight faster doing so but if you don’t want to workout while fasting then simply workout after a meal or having a small snack–you’ll still lose weight but you just wont burn fat as fast as someone who workouts while fasting.