Thinning Daily

Markus Rothkranz Weight Loss Special Epic Finale

You won’t see many presentations like this one. A power packed solution to weight loss and a happier and healthy life. Some exercise, lots of water, minimize stress, eat natural uncooked foods would sum it up, and it is not difficult. A few fundamentals are required such as getting 8-10 hours of sleep, avoiding all sugar, be around those who love you as much as possible, and following the “16/8 hour” fasting plan.
Cortisol is a death hormone..from Stress

Abstract. Conclusion…. A simulation of the effects of acute increases in plasma Cortisol over time produced a decrease in hippocampal activity of 30% and atrophy of 20% by age 90 years. While a chronic elevation of Cortisol levels produced a greater decline in hippocampal activity; 40% and greater loss in hippocampal volume 25% – suggesting a chronic elevation in Cortisol may be more detrimental in this system rather than an acute elevation….

If you don’t get enough sleep you will gain weight

Abstract. The recent obesity epidemic has been accompanied by a parallel growth in chronic sleep deprivation. Physiologic studies suggest sleep deprivation may influence weight through effects on appetite, physical activity, and/or thermoregulation. This work reviews the literature regarding short sleep duration as an independent risk factor for obesity and weight gain.

Those who slept more retained more muscle

Abstract. Conclusion. These findings support the hypothesis of a link between sleep and muscle mass.

A no fat diet is not good for you…some fats are healthy and needed

Your body needs some fat from food. It’s a major source of energy. It helps you absorb some vitamins and minerals. Fat is needed to build cell membranes, the vital exterior of each cell, and the sheaths surrounding nerves. It is essential for blood clotting, muscle movement, and inflammation. For long-term health, some fats are better than others. Good fats include monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats.

Sugar is toxic to your liver

While the rise in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) parallels the increase in obesity and diabetes, a significant increase in dietary fructose consumption in industrialized countries has also occurred. The increased consumption of high fructose corn syrup, primarily in the form of soft drinks, is linked with complications of the insulin resistance syndrome. Furthermore, the hepatic metabolism of fructose favors de novo lipogenesis and ATP depletion. We hypothesize that increased fructose consumption contributes to the development of NAFLD.

Take magnesium for stress

Abstract. Mg deficiency increases susceptibility to the physiologic damage produced by stress, and Mg administration has a protective effect; studies on noise stress and noise-induced hearing loss are taken as an example.

It’s incorrect to utilize the notion that “calories in versus calories out” is the way to manage weight.

Abstract. Conclusion. A review of simple thermodynamic principles shows that weight change on isocaloric diets is not expected to be independent of path metabolism of macronutrients and indeed such a general principle would be a violation of the second law…. The second law of thermodynamics says that variation of efficiency for different metabolic pathways is to be expected. Thus, ironically the dictum that a “calorie is a calorie” violates the second law of thermodynamics, as a matter of principle….

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You won’t see many presentations like this one. A power packed solution to weight loss and a happier and healthy life. Some exercise, lots of water, minimize stress, eat natural uncooked foods would sum it up, and it is not difficult. A few fundamentals are required such as getting 8-10 hours of sleep, avoiding all sugar, be around those who love you as much as possible, and following the “16/8 hour” fasting plan.
Cortisol is a death hormone..from Stress

Abstract. Conclusion…. A simulation of the effects of acute increases in plasma Cortisol over time produced a decrease in hippocampal activity of 30% and atrophy of 20% by age 90 years. While a chronic elevation of Cortisol levels produced a greater decline in hippocampal activity; 40% and greater loss in hippocampal volume 25% – suggesting a chronic elevation in Cortisol may be more detrimental in this system rather than an acute elevation….

If you don’t get enough sleep you will gain weight

Abstract. The recent obesity epidemic has been accompanied by a parallel growth in chronic sleep deprivation. Physiologic studies suggest sleep deprivation may influence weight through effects on appetite, physical activity, and/or thermoregulation. This work reviews the literature regarding short sleep duration as an independent risk factor for obesity and weight gain.

Those who slept more retained more muscle

Abstract. Conclusion. These findings support the hypothesis of a link between sleep and muscle mass.

A no fat diet is not good for you…some fats are healthy and needed

Your body needs some fat from food. It’s a major source of energy. It helps you absorb some vitamins and minerals. Fat is needed to build cell membranes, the vital exterior of each cell, and the sheaths surrounding nerves. It is essential for blood clotting, muscle movement, and inflammation. For long-term health, some fats are better than others. Good fats include monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats.

Sugar is toxic to your liver

While the rise in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) parallels the increase in obesity and diabetes, a significant increase in dietary fructose consumption in industrialized countries has also occurred. The increased consumption of high fructose corn syrup, primarily in the form of soft drinks, is linked with complications of the insulin resistance syndrome. Furthermore, the hepatic metabolism of fructose favors de novo lipogenesis and ATP depletion. We hypothesize that increased fructose consumption contributes to the development of NAFLD.

Take magnesium for stress

Abstract. Mg deficiency increases susceptibility to the physiologic damage produced by stress, and Mg administration has a protective effect; studies on noise stress and noise-induced hearing loss are taken as an example.

It’s incorrect to utilize the notion that “calories in versus calories out” is the way to manage weight.

Abstract. Conclusion. A review of simple thermodynamic principles shows that weight change on isocaloric diets is not expected to be independent of path metabolism of macronutrients and indeed such a general principle would be a violation of the second law…. The second law of thermodynamics says that variation of efficiency for different metabolic pathways is to be expected. Thus, ironically the dictum that a “calorie is a calorie” violates the second law of thermodynamics, as a matter of principle….

Our Raw Vegan Health Cookbook:
Videos and articles:
Markus Rothkranz website:
Markus Products:
Markus Products:
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