Thinning Daily

My Personal Weight Loss & Fitness Journey

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Be sure to check back Soon. New videos added daily. Get the best tips, tricks and techniques for losing weight.

Find some that work for you, and feel great.


Heed all disclaimers! This wasn’t the easiest of a video to do…no one likes talking about their own imperfections but hopefully you guys can see that Im not immune to gaining weight. I know I wasnt *heavy* but I knew I could be better. Its not about being skinny, its about being the very best version of yourself that you can possibly be. And for me (personally) thats not really skinny- i think I looked like an emaciated lollipop in that photo.

Dont give up! It takes awhile to figure out what works and what doesnt for you. Its frustrating at times but just enjoy the journey and be proud of how far youve come 🙂

PS. I really cant give a good answer to generic work out questions. These kind of videos always spark a flurry of “I want to lose weight what should I do?” type of questions. Theres no secret- eat clean, stay active, drink water and lots of rest!

I have videos already detailing my meals- but I do eat out and eat what I want on weekends (minus breakfast which I keep clean)
Healthy meal examples

Saving money of healthy groceries

How to stick to your weight loss and fitness goals

PS. Sorry I keep deleting comments on accident ._. the reply link is TINY and small and its right above the reply button. If youd like a reply please re-comment! Sorry again :[

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