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Our Paleo Diet Weight Loss Transformation + Before And After Pictures | VitaLivesFree

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On the 12th of April, my husband and I are going to celebrate our 1-year anniversary of being on the Paleo diet. Although for us it’s a whole lifestyle rather than just a diet, the changes this way of eating brought to our lives are amazing. Of course, it’s helped us get rid of a lot of annoying health issues, but that’s not the topic of today’s video.

Today’s video is all about how it transformed our body on the outside. I’ve never touched this topic before, and it’s time to do it! Being fit and exercising is a huge part of our lifestyle, and you’ll hear much more about it from me from now on. Keep an eye out for that!

So here’s our fitness and weight loss story. Or I guess you could also call it our Paleo story. I hope you’ll find it inspiring!

Thanks for watching!

With love,

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