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How to Lose Weight Fast
Successful Testimonials:
Louise G
“Brian….we need to talk! I started your 3 Week Diet system exactly 21 days ago, and today when I stepped on the scales. I almost had a heart attack! I’ve lost a staggering 35 pounds (15 kilos) in that time. I didn’t even think that was humanely possible!
My belly that used to hang over my pants has disappeared, and my clothes are now too big for me. I must admit, I found the diet difficult for the first 3 or 4 days. It was a huge adjustment for somebody who would eat junk every day, but after that it was like second nature!
The optional exercises were very easy too and I found they helped tone my muscles which has made me look even more fit. My husband is very impressed with my new body. In fact, he says it’s like he is having an affair with a new woman who looks 20 years younger!
Every woman needs a copy of this program! Again, I am still shocked and excited by my transformation. I can barely contain how happy I am as I type this.
Thank you so much Brian.”
Virginia W
“You probably don’t remember this, but I signed up to The 3 Week Diet 2 months ago and I sent you an email beforehand asking a couple questions about how much weight it was possible to lose.
I complete forgot about your book, until one day I saw an ad on YouTube advertising it! I remembered I had a copy of The 3 Week Diet somewhere on my iPad. I opened it up right away and decided to take a closer look at it.
Well, I am glad that I did, because my life changed that very moment. I read your “Mindset and Motivation Manual” and I was truly inspired to push myself to complete The 3 Week Diet.
I followed everything you said in the diet. I ate all the foods you listed. I did all the small exercises each day, and I took the supplements you listed. For the first week on the diet, I didn’t feel like I had lost much weight. I was a bit depressed by this until I stepped on the scales and so I had dropped 7 pounds! I knew right then that this was the real deal!
The next two weeks were easy. The time flew by, and before I knew it the 3 weeks were over. By the end of it all, I’d lost nearly 25 pounds in total! My hips, thighs, and legs were slimmer, and my face was so much less bloated! I now had cheekbones and a nice chin! People at work started complimenting me and saying I must have had “work done”. Little do they know ;-)”
You’re about to learn the underground fat burning secrets of elite bodybuilders, celebrities and fitness gurus who use a little known extreme diet system that literally forces your body to melt away one to two pounds of stubborn body fat every single day for the first seven days – and then another three quarter to one full pound of fat everyday in the two weeks that followed – and yes, these results are typical.
The secret I’m talking about has to do with weight loss but not the same old “eat less and exercise more” type of weight loss tips that results in losing weight at a snail’s pace. I’m talking about making jar-dropping, rapid body transformation where after just twenty one days you’ve lost up to:
– 25 pounds or more of pure body fat.
– trimmed two to four inches off your waistline
– went down two to three dress sizes
– developed a flatter stomach
– increased your metabolism
– skyrocketed your energy levels
– lost significant inches of fat from your hips, thighs, belly and butt
– and have taken complete control over your body weight for the rest of your life
I’m talking about the body’s ability to effectively do all of this and more in just twenty-one days. A science-based system that has literally help thousands of people worldwide to lose weight faster than they ever imagined.
Isn’t it dangerous to lose this much weight this fast?
To answer this question let me first defer to doctor Michael Danzinger – the medical doctor in weight loss consultant to NBC’s hit show, The Biggest Loser.
Here’s what he said about losing weight fast:
“In theory one could drop as much as 20 pounds in a week. The truth is that nothing is wrong with losing weight rapidly –as long as you do it the right way.”
In my own research I’ve found that the majority of the safety data out there regarding weight loss has to deal with the methods used for losing weight rather than how fast the weight is lost.
THE 3 WEEK DIET is a groundbreaking new diet program that not only guarantees to help you lose weight – it guarantees to help you lose more weight – all body fat – faster than anything else you’ve ever tried.
Here’s what included in the 3 week diet program:
The Introduction Manual
The Workout Manual
The Mindset & Motivation Manual
You will lose 20 pounds or more in 3 weeks.