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Why Push Ups Is My Number One Exercise
Today I am going to show you push ups and tell you why push ups is the number one exercise for anyone who is trying to lose weight, lose body fat, strengthen their muscles and even enhance their fitness level.
Following are the reasons that makes Push Ups as the number one exercise –
Number One -Push Ups is a multi joint exercise that means while performing push ups you are working out multiple muscle groups like chest, biceps, triceps, shoulder, abs, oblique’s, pelvic floor muscles. The fact that you are working out multiple muscles together helps you to burn more calories which will help you lose weight and lose body fat.
Number Two -Push ups is a non-gym dependent exercise that means no cable stations, no dumbbell, no barbell and no fancy equipment,you can perform pus ups anytime anywhere without using any specific equipment.
Number Three – Push ups is a complete value for your time wherein you are able to work out all your muscles from your head to toe in just one second. So think about this, if you only have 10 minutes, then doing pushups for 10 minutes can not only help provide a good complete body workout but can also help enhance your metabolic rate for the whole day.
Number Four – Push ups is a very effective exercise to strengthen your core muscles which are your abs, oblique’s and lower back muscles. When you are doing a push up you are constantly in a plank position which helps activate and strengthen the abs, oblique’s and lower back muscles.
Number Five – Push Ups is one exercise that actually works for fat loss. If you do fifty push ups on every alternate day and maintain that consistency for next two months then you can see a significant reduction in your body fat levels.
Overall Push Ups is a very effective exercise and let me tell you how to perform this exercise correctly (video above) —
You start this exercise in a prone position balancing your weight on palm and toes, keep your body in a straight line and your hands shoulder width a part. Now breathe in and lower your body slowly till elbows form a ninety degree angle, pause here for half a second, now breathe out and push your body back to the normal position by extending your elbows fully.
For starters you can try 12 -15 reps X 3 Sets on every alternate day.
Some important points to keep in mind while performing this exercise —
1. Always keep your body in a straight line throughout the movement, do not lift your hips or let them sag during the movement.
2. Breathe in when you are coming down and breathe out when you go up.
Overall Push Ups is a brilliant exercise and the fact it has so many benefits makes it my number one exercise 🙂
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