Whey Protein For Weight Loss?

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Video Summary:

Whey Protein For Weight Loss: Does Whey Burn Fat?

When it comes to high quality muscle building protein, there’s no question that whey protein is right at the top of the list. Whey has an extremely high absorption rate in the body, a great amino acid profile and is a very convenient way to help you meet your protein needs for the day.

But what about whey protein for weight loss? Does whey protein burn fat?

Although whey doesn’t necessarily burn fat in a significant direct way, it is still a useful addition to your fat loss program for a few reasons…

Whey Protein And Fat Loss: 3 Benefits

1) Whey increases the secretion of CCK, which is a hormone that helps to regulate appetite. It also suppresses the output of grehlin which is a hormone that stimulates your appetite. The combination of these two effects may make it easier for you to stick to your fat burning diet.

2) Whey increases the output of serotonin which helps to regulate your mood during periods of calorie restriction. Feeling moody and even slightly depressed is not uncommon after you’ve been in a calorie deficit for a prolonged period, and whey can help to offset this.

3) Whey may have a modest effect on increasing fat burning during workouts by increasing the percentage of body fat that is used for fuel.

Protein Powder For Fat Loss: Last Word

So as you can see, not only is whey protein helpful for building muscle, but you can also use whey protein for weight loss as well.

Go with any high quality, reputable brand (I recommend Optimum Nutrition) and consume a few scoops per day in order to meet your protein needs in a more streamlined way and obtain the 3 benefits outlined in this post.

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