About Thinning Daily

Thinning Daily website is my personal attempt to create a great space that helps you find ways to improve your health by getting your weight back to normal and you into better health.

WeightLossClinicNearMe.ThinningDaily.Com was made to help people find the medically supervised help they need when it comes to weight loss. We know that people are struggling every day and Thinning Daily was designed to offer many different aspects of help to those seeking to get in shape, lose weight, and get healthier. We are facing a health crisis that is costing people to lose years off of their lives due to underlying weight issues.

WatchVideos.ThinningDaily.com was created to attract people searching for ways to lose weight. There are so many junk, fad, and garbage advice videos out there so I pulled them to my site hoping that when someone finds it, they realize that there is a better way to have long term, simple, easy to follow plan to actually fix the problem.

My name is TJ and I had been fighting with weight loss for a few years. It was getting worse and worse. I had a desk job and had all kinds of various things going on with me that I just assumed was part of "getting older"...

I was wrong. After I decided one day that, "enough was enough" and got serious to lose the midsection that had been steadily accumulating year after year, I finally made some real progress.

Through changing what I ate, when I ate certain things, getting certain kinds of exercise, then I lost weight. It took only a matter of months.

After I lost the weight, I started to notice I ALSO lost a lot of those "getting older" issues.

I didn't have lower back pain. - I assumed that the exercise I did improved my core and it didn't matter anymore that I sat at a desk

I stopped snoring - I think that extra weight on the neck was causing this terrible snoring problem.

I stopped having pain in my feet when I would wake up in the morning -- It turned out the in food and my body chemistry reduced the inflammation that was going on in my body. And inflammation sounds like no big deal.. but actually it is a big problem for your body and leads to worse things than you would expect. Even acne can be linked to foods that increase inflammation!

Then I won't get into anything about what it was like for my relationship.. lets just say that things improved there. Better feeling body, more endurance, better appearance, and better circulation - all recipe for a happy partner.

So please take your weight seriously. Don't dismiss it, don't think it is no big deal. Because if you are overwieght you can be sure that many things are not working correctly in your body, its going to reduce your quality of life. It is going to cut your life short, and going to impact the time you have to spend with your loved ones. I am sure there are people that need you, and want you to be around for a long time. And if you don't take this on as your responsibility, then you are letting them down. You can't afford to ignore it.

And it doesn't require you to suffer. Yes there are changes that need to take place, but believe me if I went for decades stuck in my routine, and I managed to change, so can you.​

If you need any help, please email me

Take care of yourself. You deserve a better quality of life...
