How To Lose Weight Fast, Lose 19lbs In 5 Days With Sweatz Weight Loss Vests

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have put together a 5 day training video diary charting the weight loss of Chris Hamilton of Sweatz Weight Loss Vests. Chris wore a Sweatz Weight Loss Vest while training once a day for 30 to 60 minutes over the period of 5 days. His training sessions were of moderate intensity, a level achievable by an average person. Over this 5 day period Chris lost a total of 19lbs (1st 5lbs) which is further evidence of Sweatz Weight Loss Vests genuine weight loss capabilities. Sweatz Vests have been scientifically proved to burn up to an extra 50% more fat and calaories when worn during any exercise or activity. Tests were carried out at one of the U.K.’s top testing labs and appeared in the National British Medical Journal. The Sweatz Weight Loss Vests are the best way of how to lose weight fast which is a result of Genuine Clinical Testing.

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