M Cycle Diet For Women – Diet Hacks For Easier Weight Loss

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For women who want to learn healthy weight loss — this is a diet hack I follow to make weight loss SO much easier! For women, dieting can be REALLY hard when hormonal hunger strikes. In this video, I’ll talk about how women can use their menstrual cycle to determine when and how to diet effectively. This is somewhat like intermittent fasting in that you are alternating periods of under-eating with periods of eating. It’s a weight loss hack that takes advantage of when a woman’s appetite is the lowest — that is the time to really pull down calories (count calories!) and focus on weight loss. Then other times, still count calories, but just stay somewhere around maintenance and don’t worry about trying to cut your calories too severely. It’s a long-term strategy to help you reach your weight loss goals.

Article in Prevention magazine that featured a study on women dieting during different phases of their cycle:

They also mentioned increasing protein to curb hunger so you might play with eating more protein during certain times of the month.

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