Lose Belly Fat!

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Men and women alike have trouble removing fat in the love handle and belly region, the reason is, this is the first place fat is stored when you start gaining weight and its the last place the fat comes off when you lose weight.

The leaner you get, the harder it is to lose fat because the body wants to keep those last energy reservers for survival purposes. If you try brute force dieting to get rid of that last bit of fat which is stored in the love handles and over the lower abs, you will end up burning off muscle as well as fat – not what we want! What I’m gonna show you in this video is how to get ripped without burning off muscle by using carb cycling. And when your bodyfat is low enough, the last fat stores are removed and for most people, that is the love handles and over the lower abs. This is not spot fat removal, there is no such thing!

Carb cycling is an amazing fat loss technique, its not a fad diet, its fine tuning of the zig zag diet developed by Dr Fred Hatfield several decades ago but its not for everyone. If you have more than 20lbs to lose, just good old fashioned nutrition and exercise is all thats required to lose weight. Where carb cycling shines is for those who are already fairly lean, those with 2-pack or 4-pack abs who just cant seem to get any leaner. Carb cycling is perfect for this, it helps you go from lean to ripped without loss of muscle.

I’m more ripped now because I have been following my own carb cycling plan! I have been eating *exactly* what the personalize meal planner suggests. I wouldnt suggest my viewers try something unless I had tried it myself to show it works!!!!

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