Marianne Williamson: A Course In Weight Loss

Marianne Williamson is an internationally acclaimed author and lecturer. Six of her ten published books have been New York Times Best Sellers; four of these have been #1. A Return to Love is considered a must-read of The New Spirituality. A paragraph from that book, beginning “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure…” — often misattributed to Nelson Mandela’s Inaugural address — is considered an anthem for a contemporary generation of seekers. Marianne’s latest New York Times Best Seller is A Course in Weight Loss: 21 Spiritual Lessons for Surrendering Your Weight Forever. A Course in Weight Loss was selected by Oprah to be one of her Favorite Things in 2010.

Marianne’s other books include The Age of Miracles, Everyday Grace, A Woman’s Worth, Illuminata, Healing the Soul of America andThe Gift of Change.

Marianne has been a popular guest on television programs such as Oprah, Larry King Live, Good Morning America and Charlie Rose.

In December 2006, a NEWSWEEK magazine poll named Marianne Williamson one of the 50 most influential baby boomers.

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Marianne Williamson is an internationally acclaimed author and lecturer. Six of her ten published books have been New York Times Best Sellers; four of these have been #1. A Return to Love is considered a must-read of The New Spirituality. A paragraph from that book, beginning “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure…” — often misattributed to Nelson Mandela’s Inaugural address — is considered an anthem for a contemporary generation of seekers. Marianne’s latest New York Times Best Seller is A Course in Weight Loss: 21 Spiritual Lessons for Surrendering Your Weight Forever. A Course in Weight Loss was selected by Oprah to be one of her Favorite Things in 2010.

Marianne’s other books include The Age of Miracles, Everyday Grace, A Woman’s Worth, Illuminata, Healing the Soul of America andThe Gift of Change.

Marianne has been a popular guest on television programs such as Oprah, Larry King Live, Good Morning America and Charlie Rose.

In December 2006, a NEWSWEEK magazine poll named Marianne Williamson one of the 50 most influential baby boomers.

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