150lb Weight Loss & Off Meds || Plant-Based Success Story
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Check out our website . . . Full length Yoga Classes, Daily Food Journals, Private Videos, & Group Coaching. Free Content(Recipes, Youtube, Free Yoga, Blog).
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Snap Chat: pba808 bbyogi
Twitter: @801010athlete @michelle_muench
Periscope: @801010athlete @michelle_muench
The High Carb, Low Fat Plant-Based lifestyle, 80/10/10, does wonders for weight loss, fitness, and cardiovascular endurance for not just endurance athletes but also MMA fighters, Brazillian Jiu-Jitsu athletes, busy Moms, and any sport that requires explosive health and fitness. More importantly the high carb, low fat whole foods 80/10/10 lifestyle helps prevent against Heart Disease, Diabetes, and other diseases like Cancer. So this is a lifestyle for anyone wanting to look and feel better. For more information
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Be sure to check back Soon. New videos added daily. Get the best tips, tricks and techniques for losing weight.Find some that work for you, and feel great.
Follow John on Instagram- @john_bananaboy
Check out our website . . . Full length Yoga Classes, Daily Food Journals, Private Videos, & Group Coaching. Free Content(Recipes, Youtube, Free Yoga, Blog).
Follow us . . .
Snap Chat: pba808 bbyogi
Twitter: @801010athlete @michelle_muench
Periscope: @801010athlete @michelle_muench
The High Carb, Low Fat Plant-Based lifestyle, 80/10/10, does wonders for weight loss, fitness, and cardiovascular endurance for not just endurance athletes but also MMA fighters, Brazillian Jiu-Jitsu athletes, busy Moms, and any sport that requires explosive health and fitness. More importantly the high carb, low fat whole foods 80/10/10 lifestyle helps prevent against Heart Disease, Diabetes, and other diseases like Cancer. So this is a lifestyle for anyone wanting to look and feel better. For more information