How To Make Apple Cider Vinegar Weight Loss/Detox Drink | EASY!!!
Buy: Braggs ACV
Hey Everyone! In this video, I am going to show you how to make apple cider vinegar weight loss/detox drink. Its super easy to do! After you get used to the taste, you will love it! I am going to be going into more detail about the things you will need in order to create the perfect detox drink to lose belly fat, get rid of bloating, indigestion etc.. I got this recipe from JJ Smith, but I added a tweak to mine and added raw/unfiltered honey. I plan on drinking this as part of my daily routine, or at least a few times per week.
So the first thing you will need.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Cayenne Pepper
Purified Water
Raw/ Unfiltered Honey (Optional)
Alright so now that you know what you need, here are the amounts
4-6 ounces of water (I personally use 12-14 ounces for more dilution)
2 tablespoons of ACV
1 slice of lemon with juice squeezed in cup
sprinkle of cayenne pepper
1 Tablespoon of Honey
I always warm my water for a bit on the stove, and then add my ingredients. You can drink this like a tea and drink it warm, or drink it at room temperature. I have also drank this cold, but prefer room temp. I started off with one a day, but now I try to do 2 cups of this per day. It has helped with my energy levels, indigestion, bloating, my sinus drip problems. There are tons of other benefits which you can look up, but here are a few more
♥ Increased metabolism
♥ suppresses hunger(if you drink before meals)
♥ lower cholesterol
♥ Weight loss
♥Promotes healthy cholesterol
♥promotes healthy blood sugar
♥improves nutrient absorbtion
♥aids in digestion
♥good for skin & hair
♥soothes sore throat & hiccups
♥Clears stuffy nose
♥Boost energy
I hope you found this article helpful. If you already knew about this wonderful detox drink, leave a comment below your results! Don’t forget to check out my video to hear my story, and like, comment, subscribe!
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○ S O C i A L M E D i A & L i N K S ○
♥ V L O G C H A N N E L:
♥ i N S T A G R A M:
♥ F A C E B O O K:
♥ S N A P C H A T: @Jerikasyncere
♥ T W i T T E R:
♥ F A S H i O N B L O G & W E B S i T E:
○ B U S i N E S S E M A i L○
♦ F O R S P O N S O R S H i P S, U S E L i N K B E L O W
○ E Q U i P M E N T○
C A M E R A: CaNoN ReBel T3i
V L O G C A M: CaNoN g7x
V i D E O E D i T O R: PoWerDiRecToR 12
○ B E A T Z ○
Y O U T U B E M U S i C L i B R A R Y
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Buy: Braggs ACV
Hey Everyone! In this video, I am going to show you how to make apple cider vinegar weight loss/detox drink. Its super easy to do! After you get used to the taste, you will love it! I am going to be going into more detail about the things you will need in order to create the perfect detox drink to lose belly fat, get rid of bloating, indigestion etc.. I got this recipe from JJ Smith, but I added a tweak to mine and added raw/unfiltered honey. I plan on drinking this as part of my daily routine, or at least a few times per week.
So the first thing you will need.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Cayenne Pepper
Purified Water
Raw/ Unfiltered Honey (Optional)
Alright so now that you know what you need, here are the amounts
4-6 ounces of water (I personally use 12-14 ounces for more dilution)
2 tablespoons of ACV
1 slice of lemon with juice squeezed in cup
sprinkle of cayenne pepper
1 Tablespoon of Honey
I always warm my water for a bit on the stove, and then add my ingredients. You can drink this like a tea and drink it warm, or drink it at room temperature. I have also drank this cold, but prefer room temp. I started off with one a day, but now I try to do 2 cups of this per day. It has helped with my energy levels, indigestion, bloating, my sinus drip problems. There are tons of other benefits which you can look up, but here are a few more
♥ Increased metabolism
♥ suppresses hunger(if you drink before meals)
♥ lower cholesterol
♥ Weight loss
♥Promotes healthy cholesterol
♥promotes healthy blood sugar
♥improves nutrient absorbtion
♥aids in digestion
♥good for skin & hair
♥soothes sore throat & hiccups
♥Clears stuffy nose
♥Boost energy
I hope you found this article helpful. If you already knew about this wonderful detox drink, leave a comment below your results! Don’t forget to check out my video to hear my story, and like, comment, subscribe!
Blog Post:
○ S O C i A L M E D i A & L i N K S ○
♥ V L O G C H A N N E L:
♥ i N S T A G R A M:
♥ F A C E B O O K:
♥ S N A P C H A T: @Jerikasyncere
♥ T W i T T E R:
♥ F A S H i O N B L O G & W E B S i T E:
○ B U S i N E S S E M A i L○
♦ F O R S P O N S O R S H i P S, U S E L i N K B E L O W
○ E Q U i P M E N T○
C A M E R A: CaNoN ReBel T3i
V L O G C A M: CaNoN g7x
V i D E O E D i T O R: PoWerDiRecToR 12
○ B E A T Z ○
Y O U T U B E M U S i C L i B R A R Y
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