Metabolism Myths Busted – Lose Weight The Right Way
In Part 1 of this special series of Abbey’s Kitchen Abbey will be dispelling many common myths surrounding weight loss. With these metabolism myths busted you will have a much easier time losing weight the right way and in turn not only keep off the weight but feel better doing so.
First things first. There are a myriad of pills available, as well as powders, that claim to be able to cause you to lose weight fast with out changing anything else about your lifestyle. If it sounds too good to be true rest assured that it always is. Abbey has taken the time to research all the well-known metabolism boosting recommendations and rates them on a scale of 0 to 3 flames.
The first metabolism myth to be busted is breakfast. Breakfast is rated at just 1 flame. The flame represents the calorie burning power of each recommendation. With 3 being the best we see that breakfast is clocking in pretty low. We have all been told most of our lives that breakfast is by far the most important meal of the day as it jump starts your metabolism. There are definitely benefits to eating breakfast, such as more stable blood sugar, more mindful eating habits throughout the day, etc. However, there is not enough evidence to conclusively say that eating breakfast will speed up your metabolism resulting in weight loss. If you must have breakfast eat something healthy, and don’t eat a lot of it.
Another commonly known method is weight training. This one gets three flames due to it’s major impact on the metabolism. Muscle has 3x the metabolic impact that fat does, therefore making it a must have when you are considering raising your metabolism. Abbey recommends a weight training session at least 3 times a week. Weight training is unique in that it causes your body to ramp up all of it’s resources and truly burn calories, which in turn will definitely ramp up your metabolism.
Next on the list is coconut oil, which gets just 1 flame. The diet industry has gone coo-coo for coconut oil. The main reason for this is that coconut oil contains medium chain fatty acids, which is saturated fat that is processed and stored differently than other fats. Keep in mind that coconut oil has 100 calories per tbsp so don’t fall into the trap of thinking that over-consumption of coconut oil is going to cause weight loss. It can, in fact lead to weight gain due to it’s high calorie count.
The last one on the list for today is coffee, which Abbey has rated at 1 flame. No one could deny that coffee is great for waking up, but don’t go around drinking coffee all day thinking you’re shedding pounds. The few, and rather small studies, that have been done regarding the weight loss properties of caffeine have been inconclusive at best. Coffee has it’s place, and it certainly is tasty, but it will not have a significant enough impact on your metabolism to cause you to lose weight. Also keep in mind the more you add to you coffee, such as sugar, half and half, etc. the less healthy you make it. There are actually 200 calories in a Grande Vanilla Latte. You definitely keep an eye on your coffee intake.
For more tips on staying healthy, recipes, dieting, and information fit for consumption by foodies everywhere stop by Abbey’s blog, and by all means don’t forget to subscribe to the YouTube channel.
Abbey’s Kitchen – Official Blog
01:21 Metabolism Myths Busted – Lose Weight the Right Way begins
02:09 Metabolism Myths Busted – Lose Weight the Right Way intro
02:46 Breakfast gets on flame
03:24 Weight Training Gets 3 Flames
03:39 Coffee Gets 1 Flame
04:19 Metabolism Myths discussed
04:39 Metabolism Myths Busted – Lose Weight the Right Way wrap up
04:44 Metabolism Myths Busted – Lose Weight the Right Way ends
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Be sure to check back Soon. New videos added daily. Get the best tips, tricks and techniques for losing weight.Find some that work for you, and feel great.
In Part 1 of this special series of Abbey’s Kitchen Abbey will be dispelling many common myths surrounding weight loss. With these metabolism myths busted you will have a much easier time losing weight the right way and in turn not only keep off the weight but feel better doing so.
First things first. There are a myriad of pills available, as well as powders, that claim to be able to cause you to lose weight fast with out changing anything else about your lifestyle. If it sounds too good to be true rest assured that it always is. Abbey has taken the time to research all the well-known metabolism boosting recommendations and rates them on a scale of 0 to 3 flames.
The first metabolism myth to be busted is breakfast. Breakfast is rated at just 1 flame. The flame represents the calorie burning power of each recommendation. With 3 being the best we see that breakfast is clocking in pretty low. We have all been told most of our lives that breakfast is by far the most important meal of the day as it jump starts your metabolism. There are definitely benefits to eating breakfast, such as more stable blood sugar, more mindful eating habits throughout the day, etc. However, there is not enough evidence to conclusively say that eating breakfast will speed up your metabolism resulting in weight loss. If you must have breakfast eat something healthy, and don’t eat a lot of it.
Another commonly known method is weight training. This one gets three flames due to it’s major impact on the metabolism. Muscle has 3x the metabolic impact that fat does, therefore making it a must have when you are considering raising your metabolism. Abbey recommends a weight training session at least 3 times a week. Weight training is unique in that it causes your body to ramp up all of it’s resources and truly burn calories, which in turn will definitely ramp up your metabolism.
Next on the list is coconut oil, which gets just 1 flame. The diet industry has gone coo-coo for coconut oil. The main reason for this is that coconut oil contains medium chain fatty acids, which is saturated fat that is processed and stored differently than other fats. Keep in mind that coconut oil has 100 calories per tbsp so don’t fall into the trap of thinking that over-consumption of coconut oil is going to cause weight loss. It can, in fact lead to weight gain due to it’s high calorie count.
The last one on the list for today is coffee, which Abbey has rated at 1 flame. No one could deny that coffee is great for waking up, but don’t go around drinking coffee all day thinking you’re shedding pounds. The few, and rather small studies, that have been done regarding the weight loss properties of caffeine have been inconclusive at best. Coffee has it’s place, and it certainly is tasty, but it will not have a significant enough impact on your metabolism to cause you to lose weight. Also keep in mind the more you add to you coffee, such as sugar, half and half, etc. the less healthy you make it. There are actually 200 calories in a Grande Vanilla Latte. You definitely keep an eye on your coffee intake.
For more tips on staying healthy, recipes, dieting, and information fit for consumption by foodies everywhere stop by Abbey’s blog, and by all means don’t forget to subscribe to the YouTube channel.
Abbey’s Kitchen – Official Blog
01:21 Metabolism Myths Busted – Lose Weight the Right Way begins
02:09 Metabolism Myths Busted – Lose Weight the Right Way intro
02:46 Breakfast gets on flame
03:24 Weight Training Gets 3 Flames
03:39 Coffee Gets 1 Flame
04:19 Metabolism Myths discussed
04:39 Metabolism Myths Busted – Lose Weight the Right Way wrap up
04:44 Metabolism Myths Busted – Lose Weight the Right Way ends