Weight Loss For Beginners 3 ‘The Supplements Part 1’
I discuss the importance of what to do FIRST before supplements. I also talk about the supplements I use from education, knowledge and experience. There was so much info the video was 30 min long so I am doing two parts for this!!
Supplements In Video:
VitaSport Pro7ein Whey Protein – Find at any Nutrishop Store
Trailhead Moder Science Dairy & Gluten Free Protein – Find at any Nutrishop Store
Glumatic (Glutamine) – Find at any Nutrishop Store
Stance Supplements BCAA – Stance Supplements:
Code “HunnyBuns”
Our Supplement Shop @nutrishopauburn is located inside out gym
4035 Grass Valley Hwy Suite H
Auburn, CA 95602
FOLLOW ME On Social Media!
Instagram @hunnybunsfit and @jenhewardfit
Twitter @hunnybunsfit
Facebook: Jen Heward
Snapchat: jenheward
Owner of Life Altering Fitness INC. (IG @lifealteringfitness)
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I discuss the importance of what to do FIRST before supplements. I also talk about the supplements I use from education, knowledge and experience. There was so much info the video was 30 min long so I am doing two parts for this!!
Supplements In Video:
VitaSport Pro7ein Whey Protein – Find at any Nutrishop Store
Trailhead Moder Science Dairy & Gluten Free Protein – Find at any Nutrishop Store
Glumatic (Glutamine) – Find at any Nutrishop Store
Stance Supplements BCAA – Stance Supplements:
Code “HunnyBuns”
Our Supplement Shop @nutrishopauburn is located inside out gym
4035 Grass Valley Hwy Suite H
Auburn, CA 95602
FOLLOW ME On Social Media!
Instagram @hunnybunsfit and @jenhewardfit
Twitter @hunnybunsfit
Facebook: Jen Heward
Snapchat: jenheward
Owner of Life Altering Fitness INC. (IG @lifealteringfitness)