Burn Fat – Weight Loss In Tea Recipes

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In this week’s Saturday Strategy, we’re going to talk about 5 super-gredients that you can add to your super fat-burning tea for the summer challenge. At the end of this video, we’re giving away a 0 Jay Kordich Power Grind Power Juicer!

This Super Fat Burner Recipe is something you can drink in preparation to the Summer Challenge. If you wanna win ,000 hard cash or an all-expense paid trip to San Diego and meet the Fitlife.tv team by the end of the summer, register for the challenge by clicking the banner below.

Here are the ingredients that we’re going to use.

Ingredient # 1: Green Tea

Green tea contains EGCG which speeds up your metabolism. It gives us the ability to burn about 70 calories a day! So drinking green tea every single day is going to give you a lot of benefits.

Ingredient # 2 Cayenne Pepper

To make this the amazing super fat-burner, we will add cayenne pepper to it. Cayenne has high content of capsaicin which causes a burning sensation in any tissue that it touches. It’s really really hot so don’t add too much of it. Capsaicin also speeds up your metabolism to about 300%.

Ingredient # 3 Turmeric

We will also be using Turmeric powder. Turmeric is an anti-inflammatory and it also blends well with teas.

Ingredient # 4 Lemon

We will be using a little bit of lemon, which is very good for liver detoxification. Lemon has been widely used for cleansing your liver and kidney which are very important organs in making sure that your body is clean. It’s not about what you digest anymore. It’s about what you absorb.

Ingredient # 4 Honey

Honey obviously adds sweetness to any recipes and is the naturally delicious alternative to white sugar. It raises up the sugar a little bit.

Here’s how to make the Super Fat-Burner!

Make the tea as shown in the video.

Pour the green tea in the jar.

Add 1/2 of a tablespoon of turmeric.

Squeeze and drop the lemon in the jar.

Add a little bit of Cayenne pepper. (Drew likes Cayenne a lot so he added more of the usual addition)

Add a little honey. This is coursed through your own variations.
Stir it up until properly mixed.

Remember, you can also cool it off in the fridge to complement the hot summer weather.
And now you have this Super Fat Burning Tea that absolutely tastes amazing. It’s a bit spicy but absolutely delicious.

Last week’s winner of a juicer is Kelly Warren, saying”Limitations don’t exist. They only exist if we let them happen on our minds!”

If you like this Saturday Strategy, give it a thumbs up.

Don’t forget to leave your comments for a chance to win a juicer next week.

Always remember, we’re in this together.

Drew Canole

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how to burn fat
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losing weight through teas
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cayenne pepper
lemon juice recipe
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