Eating Less, But Not Losing Weight

Hey man, it’s DJ.
Today, I’m starting a new video series called Q and A with DJ. And the reason I’m doing this is because I get a lot of fat loss questions, muscle build questions in ahh comments, youtube comments. Usually I go in there and comment I try to respond the best that I can. Uhmm as many people as I can but a lot of times I realize that if one person has a question another person probably has the same question and it’s more likely that a lot of people have that same question. So, what I wanna do is answer these questions on video ahh so that I can share that knowledge with everybody. ahh that’s watching instead of instead of that single person that’s asking a question. Although I really do appreciate, and I really want that person to succeed. I want everybody to succeed.

So, I’m gonna start with the first question that I got ahh recently, and the first question is from k3ng, thank you for that. Uhmm, it says that, DJ I need help, my metabolism has slow down and got to use to maintenance at around 1800. I’m 5’7″, 160% or a 160 pounds and 18% body fat. Will eating more speed up my metabolism also bulk me up? I’m on a 1600 calorie diet and ahh I was barely using. Even with strength training and cardio.

So, he’s really struggling because he’s you know, he’s heard it, you’ve heard it before you know calories in, calories out if you wanna lose weight, eat less, getting deficit you wanna gain weight, eat more and for some reason, it’s just not working, you know, you’re doing what you think is supposed to do. It’s just not losing any weight. Uhmm, so first of all, you gonna figure out what is your goal, fat lost or is it muscle gain. Can’t seem like you know 18% 160 pounds, 5’7″, that’s an okay, that’s an average, ahh you know good, good safe ahh weight to be at. Uhmm and you think that your metabolism has slow down. Read more here

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Hey man, it’s DJ.
Today, I’m starting a new video series called Q and A with DJ. And the reason I’m doing this is because I get a lot of fat loss questions, muscle build questions in ahh comments, youtube comments. Usually I go in there and comment I try to respond the best that I can. Uhmm as many people as I can but a lot of times I realize that if one person has a question another person probably has the same question and it’s more likely that a lot of people have that same question. So, what I wanna do is answer these questions on video ahh so that I can share that knowledge with everybody. ahh that’s watching instead of instead of that single person that’s asking a question. Although I really do appreciate, and I really want that person to succeed. I want everybody to succeed.

So, I’m gonna start with the first question that I got ahh recently, and the first question is from k3ng, thank you for that. Uhmm, it says that, DJ I need help, my metabolism has slow down and got to use to maintenance at around 1800. I’m 5’7″, 160% or a 160 pounds and 18% body fat. Will eating more speed up my metabolism also bulk me up? I’m on a 1600 calorie diet and ahh I was barely using. Even with strength training and cardio.

So, he’s really struggling because he’s you know, he’s heard it, you’ve heard it before you know calories in, calories out if you wanna lose weight, eat less, getting deficit you wanna gain weight, eat more and for some reason, it’s just not working, you know, you’re doing what you think is supposed to do. It’s just not losing any weight. Uhmm, so first of all, you gonna figure out what is your goal, fat lost or is it muscle gain. Can’t seem like you know 18% 160 pounds, 5’7″, that’s an okay, that’s an average, ahh you know good, good safe ahh weight to be at. Uhmm and you think that your metabolism has slow down. Read more here

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