Green Tea To Lose Weight: 5 Scientific Weight Loss Benefits Of Green Tea

Today, on the health nerd, we are going to talk about using green tea to lose weight and how to make the best cup of weight loss green tea possible.

Finally, we will talk about a relatively new kind of green tea that’s 3x as effective as regular.

Don’t miss it.

As always, let’s start with the science of how green tea helps you lose weight.

Here are 5 proven weight loss benefits of drinking green tea daily

1. You’ll burn more fat during exercise

There have been quite a few studies showing green tea as a great fat burner for workouts.

In one particular study, participants burned 17% more fat than those taking a placebo.

As stated in our last video, drinking coffee or green tea 30 min pre-workout is ideal for fat burning potential.

2. Green tea contains EGCG and tons of antioxidants

Where green tea really stands out from other drinks is its high level of antioxidants and catechins.

Specifically, one known as EGCG.

This substances has been shown to improve calories burned during the day and are excellent for one’s overall health.

3. Green tea mobilizes fat by improving hormonal levels

EGCG has also been shown to increase levels on noepinephrine.

This hormone is used to signal to fat cells telling them that it’s time to be broken down and used as energy.

This process helps to mobilize fat faster off the body and retain more lean muscle tissue.

4. Green tea helps you lose dangerous visceral fat

Visceral fat also commonly recognized as abdominal fat, is very dangerous and correlated highly with different diseases and even early death.

Green tea has been not only shown to help people lose weight, but lose a little bit more of it around the stomach region.

5. Green tea gives a metabolic boost both short and long term

The combination of EGCG and caffeine seems to have both short term and long term metabolic effects.

In one study of 60 obese individuals, the group taking green tea extract lost 7.3 lbs more pounds and burned 183 more calories per day after 3 months (17).

There are also some other non weight loss benefits of green tea.

It lowers the risk of certain diseases
It lowers the risk of certain cancers. For instance, women who drink green tea are 22% less likely to develop breast cancer.
It may help you live longer. It’s usually a regularly consumed drink by the worlds longest living sub groups of people.

There are 3 Main Ways to consume green tea to lose weight (#3 being the best)

#1. Green tea extract.

This just the herbal derivative from green tea leaves.

The positives of this method seem to be that you get around 25%-50% more antioxidants from the extraction process.

Also, green tea extract commonly comes in pill form. So if you don’t like the taste of green tea or are on the go, it makes things easier.

The drawbacks here are that the body is more likely to absorb nutrients when they are consumed as a liquid vs a pill…

#2. Regular green tea steeped in cup.

To make, bring water to a hot temperature with a microwave or stove and add in a packet of green tea.

Let it sit for 1-3 minutes, stir and enjoy.

The positives of this method is it’s easy to drink AND adds to your daily water intake.

The drawbacks are it takes a little longer to make than taking a pill.

#3. By far the best kind of green tea is Matcha green tea.


Because Matcha tea is made through a special shading process in Japan giving it 3x the amount of EGCG and antioxidants as regular green tea.

It also has a really cool bright green color to it.

The only drawbacks are that it is a little more expensive and time consuming to make.

Since it does not come in a packet, you have to whisk the tea yourself, but with the right tools it’s not that time consuming.

Start by getting in a source of green tea 3x a day for best effects.

Studies Used:

Great article on the subject:

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Be sure to check back Soon. New videos added daily. Get the best tips, tricks and techniques for losing weight.

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Today, on the health nerd, we are going to talk about using green tea to lose weight and how to make the best cup of weight loss green tea possible.

Finally, we will talk about a relatively new kind of green tea that’s 3x as effective as regular.

Don’t miss it.

As always, let’s start with the science of how green tea helps you lose weight.

Here are 5 proven weight loss benefits of drinking green tea daily

1. You’ll burn more fat during exercise

There have been quite a few studies showing green tea as a great fat burner for workouts.

In one particular study, participants burned 17% more fat than those taking a placebo.

As stated in our last video, drinking coffee or green tea 30 min pre-workout is ideal for fat burning potential.

2. Green tea contains EGCG and tons of antioxidants

Where green tea really stands out from other drinks is its high level of antioxidants and catechins.

Specifically, one known as EGCG.

This substances has been shown to improve calories burned during the day and are excellent for one’s overall health.

3. Green tea mobilizes fat by improving hormonal levels

EGCG has also been shown to increase levels on noepinephrine.

This hormone is used to signal to fat cells telling them that it’s time to be broken down and used as energy.

This process helps to mobilize fat faster off the body and retain more lean muscle tissue.

4. Green tea helps you lose dangerous visceral fat

Visceral fat also commonly recognized as abdominal fat, is very dangerous and correlated highly with different diseases and even early death.

Green tea has been not only shown to help people lose weight, but lose a little bit more of it around the stomach region.

5. Green tea gives a metabolic boost both short and long term

The combination of EGCG and caffeine seems to have both short term and long term metabolic effects.

In one study of 60 obese individuals, the group taking green tea extract lost 7.3 lbs more pounds and burned 183 more calories per day after 3 months (17).

There are also some other non weight loss benefits of green tea.

It lowers the risk of certain diseases
It lowers the risk of certain cancers. For instance, women who drink green tea are 22% less likely to develop breast cancer.
It may help you live longer. It’s usually a regularly consumed drink by the worlds longest living sub groups of people.

There are 3 Main Ways to consume green tea to lose weight (#3 being the best)

#1. Green tea extract.

This just the herbal derivative from green tea leaves.

The positives of this method seem to be that you get around 25%-50% more antioxidants from the extraction process.

Also, green tea extract commonly comes in pill form. So if you don’t like the taste of green tea or are on the go, it makes things easier.

The drawbacks here are that the body is more likely to absorb nutrients when they are consumed as a liquid vs a pill…

#2. Regular green tea steeped in cup.

To make, bring water to a hot temperature with a microwave or stove and add in a packet of green tea.

Let it sit for 1-3 minutes, stir and enjoy.

The positives of this method is it’s easy to drink AND adds to your daily water intake.

The drawbacks are it takes a little longer to make than taking a pill.

#3. By far the best kind of green tea is Matcha green tea.


Because Matcha tea is made through a special shading process in Japan giving it 3x the amount of EGCG and antioxidants as regular green tea.

It also has a really cool bright green color to it.

The only drawbacks are that it is a little more expensive and time consuming to make.

Since it does not come in a packet, you have to whisk the tea yourself, but with the right tools it’s not that time consuming.

Start by getting in a source of green tea 3x a day for best effects.

Studies Used:

Great article on the subject:

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