Help With Weight Loss – Avoid This Common Stategy With Marc David

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It seems like every year, the “experts” come out with a new weight loss diet that’s guaranteed to deliver results. Many of us have tried them all! But studies consistently show that 99% of people who lose weight on one of these diets gain it back. So what’s the X factor that connects all of these trendy diets? As Marc David, founder of the Institute for the Psychology of Eating, shares in this illuminating video from IPEtv, there’s one very common but often unconscious weight loss strategy that we’re relying on, whether we’re going Paleo, eliminating carbs, or counting points. Tune in to learn how to stop sabotaging yourself and start living life like you mean it!

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Greetings friends, this is Marc David, founder of the Institute for the Psychology of Eating.

Today’s Topic: Avoid this Common Weight Loss Strategy

You don’t need me to tell you that there are a lot of people trying to lose weight.
You also don’t need me to tell you that there is a massive percentage of those people who are unsuccessful at this in the long term. More specifically, around 99% of all people who lose weight on a weight loss diet gain it back.

So, what’s pretty common in the weight loss universe is for experts to tell you the one strategy that they think is best – or perhaps the latest and greatest strategy – for you to have permanent weight loss and permanent happiness.

I’d like to take a different approach.

I’d like to suggest that there are a good number of weight loss strategies out there that not only have an incredibly high and consistent failure rate – but in fact, may be contributing to create the opposite effect of what we’re looking for. In other words, our weight loss strategies often lock in our weight, and at worst, make us put more of it on.

To me, this is very exciting news.

That’s because if it’s true, then for a lot of people looking to lose weight, who’ve been doing so on and off for years if not decades, the act of simply letting these ineffective strategies go is a pretty time-effective and easy way to generate some success.

That’s why I want you to do your best absolutely let go of this one very common weight loss approach:

It’s called “Staying on the Sidelines.”

Here’s what I mean:

So many people I meet who are committed to weight loss have this fascinating strategy where they take themselves out of the game. I’m talking about the game of life. They stay on the sidelines of life. They’ve made the well-thought-out choice that if I can’t be at the weight I want, then I can’t possibly be the real me, which means my real life really hasn’t started yet, which means that I really can’t play with all the other kids in the sandbox, so to speak.

Read the rest of the transcript on our site here:

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