How To Lose Arm Fat Quick And Easy

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– SUBSCRIBE – In this video, we are going to explore the best ways to lose arm fat and tone arms. This intense workout will hit your shoulders, biceps and triceps. Cardio workouts are not the only way to get sexy arms. I will show you some quick and easy ways to get the arms you want. These short workouts will melt away fat in no time!

No fees, no gym memberships, no sigh ups. Just quality workouts from knowledgeable personal trainer.

Lets GO!

5 simple arm workout:

-Biceps Curl

Hold a dumbbell in each hand at the sides with palms facing forward and arms straight down.

Position the feet comfortably about shoulder width apart.

Brace the stomach muscles ready to lift the weight.

Lift one dumbbell toward the shoulder, rotating the arm as it moves up so that the palm with dumbbell is now facing upward and the elbow is pointing to the ground with the forearm almost vertical.

Lift one dumbbell toward the shoulder, rotating the arm as it moves up so that the palm with dumbbell is now facing upward and the elbow is pointing to the ground with the forearm almost vertical.

Lower to the side position and perform the same movement with the other arm and continue to alternate until the set is complete.

A variation is to do the exercise with both arms at the same time.

Concentrate on good form rather than rapid execution, at least when starting out. Feel the burn when doing these exercises.

-Hammer Curl Press

Grab a pair of dumbbells and let hang arm’s length at your sides. Palms facing each other.

Keep elbows tucked into sides. Next, curl dumbbells up to shoulders while keeping upper arms in place and palms facing each other.

Once dumbbells are curled to shoulders, push dumbbells up above your head until arms are straight. This completes on rep.

-Military Press

Stand upright or sit on a bench with the back straight.

Hold a dumbbell in each hand with your arms at a 90 degree angle with an overhand grip. Thumbs should be on the inside and knuckles facing up.

Raise the weights above the head in a controlled motion, ensuring that you do not slam the arms upward and stress the elbow joint.

Exhale as you push upward.
Return dumbbells to the shoulders.
Option: Alternate arms instead of both arms at once.

-Overhead Arm Extension

This workout you can use one or two dumbbells. You can do this while standing or sitting.

Grasp the dumbbells with both of your hands and hold it behind your head. Your arms should be bent into right angles with your forearms running along the sides of your head so that the dumbbells are in the back of your head.

Extend your elbows and lift your forearms so that they are pointed vertically above your head with the dumbbells. Hold that position for a moment and then lower them back to the right angle position behind your head.

-Triceps Kickbacks

You can use a knee, bed or workout bench for this exercise. Place your left hand on your left knee. Your right leg should be straight back.

Hold a dumbbell with your right hand. Your upper arm should be running parallel to your body and your palm should be facing your body.

Extend your elbow so that the dumbbell lifts up towards your back. Hold the dumbbell up for a moment and then release it back down.
Switch to your right knee and place your right hand on your knee and extend your left tricep. Repeat the exercise on the left side.

Workout instructions:
– 3 Sets
– 15 Reps
– 30 seconds break time between set.
Too easy!


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Circuit Video coming soon!

KiK: JMixon314 (ASK)

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