How To Lose Face Fat And Get Rid Of ‘Double Chin’

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Video Summary:

How To Lose Face Fat And Get Rid Of “Double Chin”

The question of “how to lose face fat” might seem like a weird topic to some of you, but the truth is that it is something that I do get asked about quite often and it did come up in the q&a video I did a few months back.

People will complain that they have bloating in their face and that they tend to store fat there, and they want to know how to slim down their face and get a more defined jawline with visible cheek bones.

Now this is obviously a beginner question, but I wanted to make a quick video addressing it mainly because if you run a search for “how to lose face fat” or “get rid of double chin” you’ll quickly see that most of the advice is just completely off base and misguided.

It’s usually based around ridiculous “face workouts”, “facial stretches”, “dietary tricks”, creams and supplements that will somehow magically slim down your face in just a matter of days. Of course, these are nothing more than gimmicks and won’t actually do anything at all for you.

The answer to the question of how to lose face fat or eliminate “double chin” or “chubby cheeks” or whatever it is you’re specifically concerned with is dead-simple and straightforward, and that is that you simply need to maintain a calorie deficit and lower your overall body fat percentage.

If you want a leaner face and “chiselled jawline”, there is literally nothing more to it than that.

There’s no way to specifically target your face fat over any other fat on your body, just like you can’t specifically target belly fat or specifically target thigh fat or anything else. This is known as the myth of “spot reduction”.

The only way to lose fat from any one specific area of your body is to lose fat from your entire body as a whole through proper exercise and proper nutrition.

You need to get your body into a net calorie deficit over time so that fat is being consistently broken down for use as energy, and even though you can’t control exactly where your body pulls that fat from (this will be determined by genetics), you’ll still ultimately lose fat from all over, your face fat included.

Face exercises and supplements are a complete waste of money, and eliminating face fat simply comes down to basic fat loss itself. Focus on dropping around 1-2 pounds of body weight per week, be patient, and your face will gradually slim down along with the rest of your body.

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