Lose Body Fat By Regenerating New Liver Cells ALA
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Studies suggest that the most potent form of lipoic acid is R-dihydrolipoic acid.1,5 In recent years it has become possible to obtain R-dihydrolipoic acid as a dietary supplement, thus providing the body with the form of lipoic acid that is most readily available to cells and tissues.R-dihydrolipoic acid is responsible for many of the positive effects associated with lipoic acid. In the body, R-dihydrolipoic acid has immediate and significant antioxidant effects. This form of the antioxidant is particularly effective in destroying peroxynitrite free radicals, which contain both oxygen and nitrogen and have been implicated in the development of chronic inflammation, nervous system disorders, and atherosclerosis.Scientific studies showing the health benefits of lipoic acid have used doses ranging from 300 mg to 1,800 mg per day. For optimal effects, some nutritional practitioners recommend concomitantly supplementing with biotin and vitamin B complex. Lipoic acid has generally been found to be safe when administered in recommended doses. Among the rare reported side effects in humans have been skin allergies and gastrointestinal distress. As lipoic acid may lower blood glucose levels, individuals with diabetes or glucose intolerance should have their blood glucose monitored while taking lipoic acid. They should also consult their physician about adjusting their dose of anti-diabetic medication in order to avoid hypoglycemia.1
Since the long-term use of lipoic acid has not yet been studied in pregnant women and nursing mothers, these individuals should avoid using the antioxidant until more information is available. Lipoic acid offers broad-spectrum protection against some of society’s troublesome health conditions, ranging from painful neuropathy and migraine headaches to disabling cataracts and neurodegenerative conditions. You can begin optimizing your body’s levels of protective antioxidants today using supplements of lipoic acid or its high-potency cousin, R-dihydrolipoic acid.weight loss diet, loss weight diet, lose weight diet, quick weight loss diet, weight loss diet pills, weight loss diet program, lose weight diet plan how to lose weight diet weight diet exercise, lose weight diet exercise, lose weight diet program lose weight diet food
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Improves several components of the metabolic syndrome—a combination of risk factors that increases one’s risk for diabetes6 Reduces blood pressure
Reduces insulin resistance Improves the lipid profile Reduces weight Increases insulin sensitivity Improves diabetic neuropathy9,10 Protects against cataract formation Improves visual function in glaucoma12 Helps prevents retinal cell death when combined with vitamin E in retinitis pigmentosa13 Reduces brain damage after a strokePrevents bone loss, possibly through an anti-inflammatory effect Removes toxic metals from the body Reduces frequency and intensity of migraines