PATANJALI Weightloss Coconut Oil | 9 Kgs In 2 Months | Indian Keto

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Hi Everyone
I lost 9 kg with PATANJALI coconut oil along with keto diest.I Started my weightloss journey 2 months back with keto diet,which requiered me to have more fats in my diet and that was, the day i foud the super amazing effects of coconut oil in weight loss. PATANJALI being trusted brand in INDIA For all natural stuff i tried thier coconut oil and within 2 month i lost 9 kgs.
here’s my weightloss story i wish you guys the luck to lose the weight you want to for living the healthy life.

you can ask me questions in comments or dm me on inta would love to answer you guys

INSTAGRAM: steffyahmed

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