Reduce Weight Fast In A ‘Week’ – Ancient And Best Home Remedy

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Losing weight can be a difficult task, especially without exercising or dieting.But there are certain miracle weight loss remedies that can fire up your metabolism and kick your fat-burning into high gear so that you can burn a maximum amount of calories and lose weight without any effort.

1.Cumin Weight-Loss Drink

Cumin aids in better digestion and absorption by breaking down large insoluble food into small molecules the body can use.It is an excellent source of iron that helps reduces the problems related to anaemia such as tiredness, weakness, headache and energy loss.Being a good source of dietary fibre it controls blood sugar, make you feel full longer and helps you lose weight fast.It increases the body heat and promotes weight loss.

Here is a simple home remedy for weight loss

cumin water for weight loss

Ingredients you Need

2 Tbsp of Cumin

1/2 Lemon

1 and 1/2 glass of filtered water


Soak cumin seeds in water overnight.In the morning, boil these soaked cumin seeds with the water.Filter the water into a glass and once it cools down slightly, add freshly squeezed lemon juice and drink it.Follow this every morning on an empty stomach for 2 weeks for quick weight loss.

add leamon and honey for better result

You won’t believe, but it is true that drinking hot water can actually help you to lose weight.Drinking hot water raises the temperature of your body which, therefore, increases the metabolic rate and allows the body to burn more calories at a faster pace.So, whenever you feel thirsty, have a glass of hot water.Make sure to have at least 9 to 10 glasses of hot water every day for weight loss.

2.Fat Fighting Curry Leaves

curry leaves for weight loss

Curry leaf is one of the best ayurvedic remedies to get rid of accumulated fat in your body.Studies show that curry leaf can help reduce triglyceride and cholesterol level thereby helping in obesity.It eliminates harmful toxins and fats from the body and help improve digestion.

Eat 7 to 8 full-grown curry leaves in the morning for up to 20 days for effective weight loss.

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