The Carb Tipping Point. How Many Carbs Per Day Should I Eat To Lose Weight?
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The Carbohydrate Tipping Point has three primary parameters, Amount of carb, type of carb and timing of carbs:
Amount of Carb
For fat loss, each person needs to find the right amount of carbs that will deliver sustained energy but not slow fat loss. This is different for everyone. We teach our clients to think in terms of bites since in today’s fast pace society people often eat on the go and don’t carry around gram scales. They also do not eat all of their foods out of boxes that contain labels with clearly marked grams of carbs. Using bites allows a quick and adjustable means to manipulate the amount of carbs. To us one bite is approximately the size of a tablespoon and equal to roughly 5g of carbohydrates. For beginner fat loss seekers we suggest no more than 10 bites of carbs eaten exclusively at each of the major meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner). This can then be adjusted up or down based on your fat loss results as well as your responses to hunger, cravings and energy. This is an individual process that needs to be approached with the mindset of a detective. Read more here: