Weight Loss Quickly – Natural,Ayurvedic, Herbal Home Remedies For Weight Loss

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According to medical experts and nutritionists, there is an optimum weight condition, which is in proportion to your height. When the fat content of your body exceeds the normal values, it tends to make you overweight. This condition occurs when you consume more food without working out or burning energy, present in your body. Today, obesity has become nothing less than an epidemic as it has affected millions of people throughout the globe. Overweight leads to other noticeable problems in the body. However, you can shed your extra pounds with the help of home remedies.


1.Consuming alcohol in large quantities
2.Genetic disorders
3.Sedentary lifestyle
4.Stress, tension, and depression
6.Intake of junk foods, like pizza, burgers and flour
7.Hormonal imbalance, like hypothyroidism
8.Lack of sleep
9.Certain medications
11.Lack of exercise


There are no particular signs and symptoms of obesity. But, it leads to the following problems:

1.Excessive sweating
2.Difficulty in breathing
3.Pain in joints and back
4.Tiredness in doing any physical work or activity
6.Difficulty sleeping
7.Higher value of BMI (Body Mass Index)
8.Long term problems include problems, like high cholesterol, hypertension, and acute heart diseases
9.Enlarged body parts, like enlarged waist, calves, thighs, or saggy breasts in case of women

Preventive Measures

1.Make exercise a part of your daily regimen. Work-out or a simple walk for at least 30 minutes in a day helps in curbing the weight.
2.Always eat healthy and nutritious food. Consume food that is low in calories and high in fibers, minerals, and nutrients, such as fruits, green vegetables, salads, lentils, etc.
3.Sleep properly and in a timely manner.
4.Intake plenty of fluids, including fruit juices and water.
5.Avoid junk foods as it is the root of all the body problems.
6.Reduce ‘sit’ time in your daily routine and get into something laborious or physical activity.
7.Try to keep yourself free from stress and tensions.
8.Monitor your weight on a regular basis, so that you can have a check on your weight, constantly.
9.Never skip meals.
10.Eat slowly taking small chunks of food in the mouth and not gulping it all at once.
11.Allow sufficient time in between your meals from brunch to lunch to dinner.
12.Don’t go to bed just after having a meal.

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